
Java Web Development


You didn’t think I would find the other book that goes along with this program, did you?

This directory will be structured just like the first book.

:reminder_ribbon: TODO: Mod the Textbook Directory to become Textbook 1 Intro to Web Development

:reminder_ribbon: TODO: Chapters!


  1. Introduction and Setup
  2. Data Types
  3. Control Flow and Collections
  4. Classes in Java, Part 1
  5. Classes and Objects, Part 2
  6. Unit Testing
  7. Inheritance
  8. Interfaces and Polymorphism
  9. Spring into MVC
  10. Controllers and Routing
  11. Thymeleaf Views
  12. Models and Model Binding
  13. Model Validation
  14. Enumeration Types
  15. Databases and SQL
  16. The SQL Sequel
  17. Introduction to Object-Relational Mapping
  18. Relationships in Object-Relational Mapping
  19. Authentication


Studios :studio_microphone:



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