
PowerShell Guide


🧩 This guide is meant for Microsoft Windows, preferably Windows 10 or newer.

:construction: Under Construction - This page is a work in progress. It’s not complete.

Things to making PowerShell more useful

  1. Install Chocolatey (in the Administrative PowerShell!) Just about every Linux distribution has a package manager to download software. However, Windows is not a Linux distro. However, Windows does have a package manager for Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for Windows. That’s what Chocolatey is. You can’t install software in the regular shell, you need to do it as an administrator. We recommend using this to install FOSS instead of the Windows Store. Use that for proprietary software (especially if Microsoft makes it).
  2. Know the difference between regular and Administrative PowerShell. Administrative PowerShell has features that regular PowerShell doesn’t have. This is to keep regular users from doing Administrative things that they shouldn’t do. Linux and Unix have similar features, but the administrator is sometimes called root since that’s where their home directory is.
  3. Know how Wildcards work. This will make things a little more productive if you need to manipulate more than one file to do something.

Common Commands

Since PowerShell is designed to behave like an UNIX or Linux Shell, many of the basic commands from Unix and Linux can be used here.

Environment Variables

Environment variables are common variables used to identify. Unlike in UNIX or Linux, variables in PowerShell do not appear to be case-sensitive.

#PowerShell #Guides